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一見さんお断りの花街の世界が ”新しい形のおもてなし”

一見さんお断りの花街の世界が ”新しい形のおもてなし” を導入
一見さんお断りの花街の世界が ”新しい形のおもてなし” を導入










一見さんお断りの花街の世界が ”新しい形のおもてなし” を導入

未曽有のコロナ禍の中で、大きな打撃を受けている観光業界、京都の花街も今大きな岐路に立たされています。当たり前の事が当たり前にできなくなったこの状況で、京都花街の伝統を守り続けていきたいという強い思いが新たなアイディアを生み出しています。 今までは、京都で舞妓さんや芸妓さんに会うには一見さんお断りのお座敷や特別なイベントの時だけと いう、ハードルが高いイメージがありました。この状況だからこそ、彼女たちの伝統や文化を多くの人に広めたい、彼女たちのおもてなしで癒しを届けたい、そういった思いから、安全に舞妓芸妓文化を体 験できる、完全貸切のプライベート舞妓茶道に加え、オンラインでの舞妓茶道などもリリースされています。お稽古を積んだ舞妓さんによる美しいお点前の他、舞や歓談等、身近に舞妓さんの伝統美を安全かつ身近に感じていただけるプログラム。花街存続の危機に立たされている今、伝統の中で生きる舞妓 さん芸妓さんの世界に触れてみてはどうでしょうか?







4月に入ると、政府による緊急事態制限発令に伴い、京都の五花街は感染拡大を防ぐため営業を自粛するに至りました。このような大規模な花街の休業は戦時中以来、初めてと言われています。 危機的状況に陥った五花街の芸舞妓たちを支援するため、京都伝統伎芸振興財団(おおきに財団)は、1人あたり10万円の助成金を発表しましたが、芸妓・舞妓の育成や花街文化の維持には莫大な費用が必要になる為、どのお茶屋も厳しい状況が続いています。京都の伝統文化を守る為、地元の団体もクラウドファンディングを立ち上げ支援を求めています。



その一つが、コロナの時期でも安全に舞妓さん(芸妓さん)と触れ合えるKimono Tea Ceremony KYOTO MAIKOYAの「プライベート舞妓茶道」。完全貸切制で舞妓さん(芸妓さん)との特別な時間、空間を安全に堪能できます。この体験では、お客様はお点前をする舞妓さん(芸妓さん)から十分な距離をとった場所に着席し、自分が飲むお茶は自分自身でお茶を点てるので衛生面も安心。もちろん上手なお茶の点て方はしっかり教えてもらえます。自粛期間中もお稽古を続ける舞妓さん(芸妓さん)による美しい舞も貸切で堪能できます。歓談の時間では普段知る事の出来ない花街の世界、舞妓さん(芸妓さん)の日常など、楽しい会話が弾むそう。 実際に見る舞妓さん(芸妓さん)のお点前の美しさ、舞の華やかさ、一緒に過ごしたお時間は一生の思い出になる事間違いありません。茶道の教えでもある「一期一会」、その特別な出会いを今こそ大切にしたいものです。

また、もう一つ、新たな試みとしてKimono Tea Ceremony KYOTO MAIKOYAがプロデュースしているのが「オンライン舞妓茶道」。

京都の花街、芸妓・舞妓のお座敷と言うと、一見さんお断り、とてもハードルが高いイメージがありました。そのハードルを取り払い、誰でも自宅でくつろぎながら舞妓さんの伝統美やおもてなしを楽しめる、特別な体験です。 KYOTO MAIKOYAの「オンライン舞妓茶道」では、約一時間のセッションの中で舞妓の茶道(お点前)、舞、そして歓談を楽しめます。

こちらの写真は、先日実際KYOTO MAIKOYAにて行われた「オンライン舞妓茶道」の様子。




KYOTO MAIKOYAのディレクターでもあり、芸者ミュージアムMAIKOYAをオープンさせたアジャル氏によると、状況次第ではミュージアムを閉店する可能性はあるが、コロナ収束後も日本文化を広める為、舞妓ディナーショーや舞妓さんとの体験は続けるという事です。コロナ渦の状況で花街から客足が遠のく中、伝統文化を守りたい、そのためにできることを今後も考えていく方針です。





Geishas in Kyoto are Struggling after the Coronavirus Pandemic

Special pillow called takamakura that maiko, apprentice geisha uses
Special pillow called takamakura that maiko, apprentice geisha uses

From online geisha experiences provided by KYOTO MAIKOYA to see-through acrylic hand fans, the geisha in Kyoto are trying to adjust to the hard times ahead.

Corona virus and social distancing has forced the geisha of Kyoto to adapt to the new and changing times. While most people kept to themselves during the early months of the pandemic it was the geisha who kept on bringing joy and entertaining their clients in the refined tea houses that they have come to call home. However, in the months since the geisha have found new ways to entertain clients while keeping to the cultural traditions that they have passed down for centuries.

Around early February many tea houses began experiencing sharp declines in their customer bookings as many began to fear the virus spreading in the close confines of the establishments. The annual dances put on by the geisha in each district for decades were then cancelled as worry began to build about congregating in large groups and the health of the geisha themselves was put first. In March, the geisha districts were on high alert and many began to cancel events for the rest of the year along with almost all bookings for tea houses in a bid to protect elderly clients.

Gion Shimbashi before the Pandemic
Gion Shimbashi before the Pandemic
Gion Shimbashi after the Pandemic
Gion Shimbashi after the Pandemic

In the meantime, most geisha were forced to leave their lodgings and return home to their families. However, they did not sit idly by while the country was on lock down. Geisha still continued to practice their arts with their teachers via online classes and many chose to help out in their neighbourhoods by sewing face masks for the elderly. These masks were made from the same tenugui towels that geisha hand out during special celebrations and over 400 were sewn by hand.

By April, the five geisha districts of Kyoto were forced to close down by an emergency shut down order from the federal government and all business was stopped. This was the first time that the geisha districts had been forced to close since World War II. Even major festivals, such as the Gion Matsuri, were cancelled. The geisha association in Kyoto provided some stipend (around $1000) to support the young geiko and maiko but considering how expensive the training and outfit of maikos the stipend may have come short. The locals also set up two separate crowdfunding campaigns to help the geisha community one of which is still running.

The streets of Gion are empty nowadays.
The streets of Gion are empty nowadays.

After reopening on June 1st the geisha districts have had to implement new rules when it comes to interacting with customers, including being 1-2m apart from their guests, not being able to speak while pouring sake, limiting the time they can spend in one single location, and adhering to a 10pm curfew. Right now guests from outside of Kyoto must be screened before they can even book an appointment to meet with geisha as certain regions where the corona virus is currently concentrated are being refused due to the possibility of spreading the virus further.

However, with the 2nd wave and discouragement by the local governments against going out at night, and visiting entertainment venues, there are not many geisha banquets and geisha beer garden events held this summer in Kyoto. As a matter of fact, currently most geisha have returned to their hometowns outside of Kyoto. One of the geishas who remained in the city mentioned that “I think many of those who left may not come back at all and quit this profession if the pandemic does not end soon.”

Times have been challenging and the geisha in Kyoto are also trying to adjust. What was once a close and intimate experience kept to the confines of a teahouse has now become a shared experience that fuses technology with tradition. Geisha are taking their skills and talents to the online realm and are now performing with the aid of the internet for customers around the world. Anyone can now meet with a geisha, watch her dance, and ask her questions from anywhere via specially licensed venues.

Kimono Tea Ceremony KYOTO MAIKOYA started a reservation service where people can book a geisha meeting online or face to face easily. These sessions feature apprentice geisha in their full regalia that often takes 2-3 hours and the assistance of others to put on. The geisha will have conversations, dance, and even perform a tea ceremony in sessions lasting one hour. For those who are more academically inclined, they can even opt to speak with the owner of a geisha house who will teach an online class about geisha training, specifically what it’s like to live a day in the life of an apprentice geisha. It will cover the history of geisha, how they learn their arts, what getting dressed up in long kimono and obi feels like, and how they interact with customers of all ages.

In the pictures you can see one of the sessions where a group of guests gathered on zoom for an online geisha show , geisha experience and geisha tea ceremony by Kimono tea ceremony KYOTO MAIKOYA. 

 Adam Acar, PhD, who is the director of the recently-opened private Geisha Museum by KYOTO MAIKOYA, mentioned that the museum shut its door indefinitely. However, other services the company provides such as the geisha tea ceremony, geisha dinner show , geisha show tickets and geisha makeover will continue after the pandemic is over. During the pandemic KYOTO MAIKOYA will be offering online geisha meetings and a short online class about the geisha training by a geisha house owner.

The online geisha experiences, albeit being different from real-life experiences, may be considered a bit pricey compared to other zoom classes found on the internet. Mr. Acar, however, thinks this is normal as it would be rather disrespectful to the genuine Kyoto geisha to have a private conversation with someone over the internet for a small fee even though the geisha still has to spend 2-3 hours just to put on the traditional make up and call a helper to wear her precious silk kimono and the 5-meter-long sash.

Maiko, apprentice geisha changes her hair ornament depending on season.
Maiko, apprentice geisha changes her hair ornament depending on season.






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